Raphael is the archangel of the fifth Ray, a ray of truth, Integrity, healing, science, deposition, abundant life, music, and mathematics. His divine counterpart is Maria, embodied Maria, the mother of Jesus. Their ray corresponds to the chakra of the third eye; They can also help us gain spiritual vision and the gift of discerning spirits.
The name "Raphael" means "God has healed" or "The Cure of God." In one Hebrew text it is said that Raphael opened up the healing power of the plants; The other text tells how he healed the blind and tied the demon.
Catholics revered him as an angel of the Lord who healed the sick in the pool of Bethesda. The Book of Enoch states that the duties of the Archangel Raphael were to heal the sick and wounded.
According to the Hebrews, Raphael was one of the three archangels that appeared before Abraham. They also believe that it was Raphael that gave Sarah the power to give birth to a child at her old age.
Raphael is also known as the patron of travelers. In the book of Tobit, Raphael, introducing himself as a knowledgeable road traveler, accompanies the son of Tobit, serving as a guide on his long journey. At the end of the story, Raphael reveals the truth about himself and explains that God sent him to test the faith of Tobit and his son. They have passed their trials and received great blessings of healing and abundance.
Raphael’s abode is located in the ether kingdom over Portugal. The flame of healing, burning on the altar of his divine abode, was physically entrenched when, in 1917, Mother Mary appeared to children in Fatima. Even to this day a ray of light shines bright upon this place, like a powerful waterfall from the ethers to physical reality, healing all whom that way shall come.
Maria and Raphael assist all medical institutions around the world. On an etheric levels they teach future parents of Christ Consciousness. They inspire scientists, healers and health professionals to create new medicines and alternative therapies.
Angels from the Archangel Raphael’s team are master surgeons. Raphael says that they use "laser technology" to "penetrate into the very core of the cell, in order to extend the purple flame from inside the cell and seal it with healing thoughtform."
Archangel Raphael gave us a healing thought form, which is a scientific formula for the restoration of inner blueprint and divine integrity when it (Thoughtform) visualizes the surrounding and cross cells and atoms of the four lower bodies (or Specific body).
Thoughtform consists of three concentric areas of sacred fire, the white sphere surrounded by sapphire-blue, which in turn is placed in emerald green. The white sphere in the centre works on the local level, repairing the damaged part or sick body to its original state of perfection. The next, the blue sphere, establishes the protection and action of God's will. The green outer sphere restores the flow of the spirit through matter and integrity.
If you or your loved one suffer from the injury, call the healing Thoughtform: "In the name of Jesus Christ, the beloved Archangel Raphael, Blessed Mother Mary, place her healing thoughtform over (name of man)."
Archangel Raphael has appeared to me and asked that I channel through and manifest into physical reality a healing disc that would assist others in healing their energy fields, opening the heart chakra and connecting them to the divine.
Rose Quartz is the stone to have for those who cannot feel the joy of life, feel the essence of love, and therefore cannot achieve the internal depths of the heart. Rose Quartz heals internal wounds. Teaches forgiveness and attunes to love. The healing process of Rose quartz can last months and even years. As soon as the healing process begins, we need to be prepared for surfacing of the many forgotten events that caused the emotional stress.
Rose Quartz in Antiquity
Rose quartz beads dating back to 7000 BC have been found in the area once known as Mesopotamia (today’s Iraq). Rose quartz jewelry was known to be crafted by the Assyrians around 800-600 BC. The Assyrians, along with the Romans, might have been the first to use this stone.
People in the earliest recorded times believed in the magical powers of quartz. Ancient Roman, Egyptian, and Greek civilizations used quartz crystals as potent talismans. The Romans used rose quartz as a seal to signify ownership, and Egyptians believed the stone could prevent aging.
Medicinal properties of Rose quartz
The "Heart Stone" has a strong capacity to protect women from infertility, pathology during pregnancy and childbirth. The stone is an indispensable aide in the fight against cervical cancer and other gynecological diseases.
In many medicinal books of antiquity it is written that Rose Quartz is capable of extending ones life. Modern science recognizes that this mineral can:
Normalize the workings of the nervous system;
Improve the condition of the heart;
Removes inflammation;
To subdue diabetes mellitus and to revitalize the pancreas;
To help one cope with stress.
The magical ability to protect the family, to attract love, to treat the wounds of the heart are all the attributes of the Rose Quartz. This stone is of great help to creative people. When Rose Quartz activates it influences the creativity to flourish, writers become more interesting, and artists overcome crises and find new creative themes.
The magical properties of a Rose Quartz assist a person to stay away from destructive steps, increases self-esteem, and helps find the simplest solution to the most complex problems.
Once Rose Quartz begins its cleansing work many emotions may come to the surface for healing and transmutation. Prompting one to cry and release everything that has been bottled up. As with any healing it is important to focus on loving yourself, accepting yourself as you are and seeing your true beauty. It is important to accept yourself and to understand that only Love is the real basis of security. All changes in life are due to changes within yourself.
Rose Quartz opens the soul, and then the truth is known through love. Rose Quartz contributes to relieving stress by releasing irritability, increasing the creativity and self-confidence of a person. As a talisman, it gives reciprocity in love, restores family happiness, enhances male potency, protects in pregnancy, increases attraction, preserves health, and brings longevity. Rose Quartz, helps women get married successfully. Used as a pendulum, Rose Quartz can inform one of negative and positive areas of the house, a garden site, or any place where the owner is present.
Everything in the Universe is energy and many things can be changed with energy. Every person, every thought, every emotion is energy. Our energy fields and systems are alive and intelligent.
The auras, chakras and energy systems of anyone can become blocked, distorted, clogged up, and torn. Magnetic connections in auras, chakras and energy systems, such as the meridian system can become broken and damaged. Energy healing can affect the energetic, physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual aspects of a person.
Especially now when we are moving into a completely new energy matrix, our bodies need to adjust to the new frequencies, many are feeling incredibly ungrounded, because they have disconnected from the old matrix, but are having a difficult time connecting the new one.
This is where this tool comes in, infused with the energies of a new earth matrix directly from mother Gaia’s heart, this incredible tool will assist you in finding your way in the new and ever evolving world of unfamiliar vibrations and frequencies of light. This is a monumental time which we have been waiting for, for a very long time, and GAIA invites you to join her on a new earth matrix where she is waiting for you with open arms and open heart so that you can continue traveling on these waves of ascension into a beautiful new world.
Because of its very powerful ability to transform one for the better, open the heart and infuse true essence of love into the heart I use Rose Quartz as part of my GAIA Sophia’s Disc. A Unique Device that helps you to attune to the NEW earth healing energy fields, balance and heal your energy system, chakras and assist you in utilizing the new energies of a newly constructed earth matrix.
GAIA is shifting her vibrations along with all of us, or rather we are shifting our vibrations along with her, and this means that a lot is changing, the energies are changing and we need to attune to new energies. This is what this tool can assist you in doing to attune you to new earth energies and to help you understand how to use them for healing and purification.
Emerald was worshiped by ancient Incas and Chaldeans. Phoenicians devoted it to Ishtar goddess of fertility and love. It was revered in all the major religions for spiritual strength and beauty. In Ancient Egypt, it was considered a symbol of eternal life, the gift of Toth, God of wisdom and was a beloved jewel of the Queen Cleopatra. What makes this mystical stone so very special?
The meaning of the Emerald
In ancient times, these green stones were called "The Heart of Spring", and they were considered the symbol of hope and future, of renewal and growth, of justice and harmony. The emerald was given a poetic name: "The Seeker of Love" and "discoverer of truth."
It is considered a "rock of happiness" because it is associated with a heart chakra (Anahata). It’s comforting energy is healing on all levels, bringing with it brilliance and joy. It gives inspiration and infinite patience, embodying compassion and unconditional love. The Emerald fosters friendships, maintains a balance between friends. It is known for its ability to strengthen marriage, family happiness and fidelity. In ancient Rome, it was devoted to the goddess of the love and beauty Goddess Venus and it was believed that the Emerald assisted in finding one’s significant other.
The Emerald is a stone of true vision and intuition and is linked to eyes and vision. For a long time, it was believed that it could predict future events and allows one to know the truth. It is the rock of wisdom, memory, and increased mental clarity. It combines intelligence with wisdom and brings into consciousness that which is stored in one’s subconsciousness. The Emerald also enhances psychic powers and opens the gift of clairvoyance.
This magnificent green rock has been a subject of admiration in many cultures for more than six thousand years. There is evidence that it was sold in the markets of Babylon 4,000 years BC. The emerald was worshipped by ancient Incas and Chaldeans, and Phoenicians devoted it to Ishtar goddess of fertility and love. Emerald was revered in all the major religions for spiritual strength and beauty.
In Ancient Egypt, the emerald was considered a symbol of eternal life, the gift of Toth, God of wisdom, it was a beloved jewel of the Queen Cleopatra. The emerald mines in Upper Egypt are among the oldest in the world, and they have been named the mines of Celpatra due to her love for the stone.
The emeralds were the talismans of Aristotle, Alexander the Great, Mughals in India. Emeralds were used to decorate the crowns and royal jewels in many parts of the world for centuries. And nowadays these precious stones continue to be of great value, they are a subject of pride to collectors, and they can be seen in the admirable exquisite decorations of the rich and the famous.
Magical Properties of the Emerald
It is a sacred stone of the Goddess Venus, helping to find and preserve love. It is said that wearing it will help your beloved to remain faithful. Emerald’s vibrations are like vibrations of love, and the emerald can become a bridge between two loving people. It is said that giving this stone to a beloved will keep them in your life forever, but only if your gift is made with a feeling of pure and genuine love. To attract romantic love, the emeralds are worn near the heart.
Perfect for the renewal of passion. It is said that the Emerald helps to renew ones relationship with a significant other. To do so, take the emerald, and keep it close to your lips, say the words that express your feelings for your love. Then give the stone to the person you want to renew the relationship with.
The emerald promotes self-esteem, especially for young girls and adolescents. It has a calming effect on the emotions that invigorating the mind. It is a wonderful crystal to stimulate artistic creativity and to draw attention to its creations.
Emerald is also known to support work, stimulates mental activity, strengthens memory, and gives inspiring eloquence to speeches. If you need to quickly memorize a lot of facts or learn new information, do it by holding the emerald in your hands. It creates a calming effect, promotes mental and emotional equilibrium, making it extremely useful for the establishment of cooperation and mutual understanding in the collective. Ideally suited to people in occupations where visionary illumination is a significant advantage. It's good to wear it for business success. Emeralds are believed to help in legal matters and litigation.
It is also a stone of fortunetellers and prophets, helping them to penetrate into the future. In some cultures, it was used in ancient times to make it rain. The most active time of the Emerald is in springtime, that is when it’s strength increases. During the full moon the emerald is at it’s strongest.
Healing properties of the Emerald
The emeralds have long been attributed with a variety of healing properties. It is said that the Emerald:
Assists in the treatment of fever, inflammation, liver disease, diabetes. may be useful against epilepsy, skin diseases (eczema, rash and skin irritation).
Has a beneficial effect on the heart and the immune system. It was thought that if you just look at the stone before you sleep, it prevents insomnia.
Emeralds are thought to have anti-aging properties, it is well suited to combat age related changes. Having this stone in the house helps to relieve fatigue and regain youthful cheerfulness.
It is considered to be the best among the stones to treat the eye and to restore sight. Contemplating on this beautiful green stone helps to relax your eyes. Eye wash with emerald water soothes the eyes and decreases inflammation. To make this eyewash, the emerald is left overnight in a container of pure spring water and can be used the next day as an eyewash.
Used to assist in healing heart disease.
It is a strong healer of the physical heart, and may be useful in treating the lungs, liver, gall bladder, pancreas and kidneys, as well as the spine and muscle system. It aids recovery after infectious illness, and its powerful green ray can assist healing of malignant conditions.
Emerald is a crystal of the heart, alleviating heaviness in the emotional field and nourishing the aura with an energy of hope, encouragement, gentleness and abundance. It heals heartbreak and gives the strength needed to overcome the misfortunes of life, clearing away negative patterns of victimization and loss of personal power by strengthening the physical and emotional heart centers. It is a stone of regeneration and recovery, bringing in freshness and vitality, love and compassion - for the self as well as for others
Emerald is a very powerful healing stone and that is why I was guided to use it in my world famous Archangel Raphael Disc. AA Raphael has come to me himself and given me directions on bringing forth a healing disc that would assist many in not only opening their heart charkas, not only connecting to AA Raphael but for overall healing and balancing.
My own introduction to Archangel Metatron happened many years ago when I was going through a very rough time. I was in the process of awakening and transformation but did not know what to do going forward. It was then that AA Metatron has come to me and showed me a blueprint for my very first disc, a disc that he said was for Anna. I quickly realized which Anna he meant and listened intently to each and every stroke of genius.
I stood up all night ordering very specific gemstones which had to be cut in a certain way to reflect the light, each one had to be of a certain shape, round, pyramid, leaf, etc. I needed copper and quartz glass that had to be of certain quality and shape.
When I woke up in the morning the image did not leave me, and I eagerly awaited for all the ingredients to arrive, and when they did with my hands shaking in anticipation of what I was going to create under the guidance of AA Metatron overwhelmed me with joy and enthusiasm. Few hours later the Original AA Metatron disc was born. It was breathtaking and so powerful.
Giving it to Anna has changed my life because it was from that moment that I started a new chapter of my life, designing metaphysical disc and tools for all of you. I am beyond grateful to AA Metatron and today would like to share with you a little bit more about who AA Metatron is.
From my own experience with this Archangel I can say that he is one of the most benevolent and yet demanding teachers. I have to say that I see Metatron as a wise, very powerful, but incredibly modern type of teacher, a guide that has a sense of humor but can at any moment in time be very strict and even pushy at times.
Pushy in a good way, as he always knows what’s best for your soul seeing everything from birds eye view he guides and pushes one to their limit, which truly do not exist. He asks you to truly look deep within yourself and extract that magic that you have brought with you from the ethers. He is an incredible companion to have.
I only know him from the perspective of creating various metaphysical tools, but talking about him to others have painted a varied picture of Archangel Metatron. Gathering this information, I thought to share it with you today.
Metatron is like a powerful grandfather who at the same time is your dearest old friend. He comes to you in the most difficult moments and takes charge. Shaking you into your power he forces you to remember your inner being.
Demanding and yet very loving and warm, you know that his strictness comes from immense love for you. You know that he sees your potential and brings it forward.
Metatron is a big jokester and loves to joke by pointing out various signs and helping to bring forth various situations that leave me smiling. He points out the absurdity of various situations in life and at the same time, points out the miracle of synchronicity. Showcasing to me how easy life truly is, and that everything is within my reach, all I am out to do is listen, and trust.
The biggest point that Metatron and his team, and he does have a team of Angels who come to assist everyone through his energy, is trust in one’s own abilities. He shows you the way to the power of your own self, and makes you see that you truly are powerful and a creator of your own life. Giving you the tools that you need in order to carve out the type of path that you want to walk on this planet.
Metatron embodies all the mysterious metaphysical prowess of the ethers, ingenious to the scientific world of metaphysics he illustrates that anything is possible if only you allow your true powerful nature to shine through the exterior. He assists one in manifesting that which is unmanifest and like a strong gust of wind carries you to the right point in time on your journey to assure huge success in all of your endeavors.
You can call upon AA Metatron for assistance, but only if you are fully ready to take responsibility for your actions, listen to the guidance and be prepared to make significant changes in your life. Metatron is the Archangel of truth and will be honest with you whether you like it or not.
There is no sugarcoating when it comes to communicating with AA Metatron, he will tell you how it is, and will not listen to any excuses. He is patient but demanding, loving but strict, ever evolving within and without. This is one ally that you want to have on your team, a hurricane of transformation, an ally to all who are ready to change this world.
I love Archangel Metatron, work with him daily and infuse his energies in his AA Metatron Key that he has literally made me bring through to this planet – the AA Metatron Disc - This disc protects from various negative energies, psychic attacks, dark thought forms. It protects and activates the heart chakra, assists in healing various ailments and so much more.
Protects the home up to 13 feet in diameter from wherever this disc is located. Assists in opening up of various gateways for key holders.
Key holders are those who guard space portals around the globe. At specific moments in time these portals must be opened, and only the key holders can assist in opening these gateways. Metatron's Key assists in these endeavors as well by offering assistance, protection and energetic upliftment in doing so. If you are drawn to AA Metatron's Disc it only means that you are part of the Key Holder's Network.
Citrine is a stone with a variety of healing and magical properties.
A long time ago, it was believed that a ring with Citrine would guard against nightmares, the bad thoughts, calm the wearer down and improve dreaming. In ancient India, Citrine was considered as a mineral with projective energy of Yang. Yogis used it to treat intestinal diseases and stimulate the solar plexus. These qualities are only present in pure crystals without any inclusion. Modern alternative medicine therapists recommend wearing ornaments with Citrine to help with gastritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis. The stone reactivates the brain and accumulates vital energy. Citrine creates a powerful aura around the body that will protect against external adverse effects. You can use it to treat headaches. Also, the Citrine mascots will help children with speech defects.
Thanks to the positive energy of good luck and good spirits, the Citrine stone is endowed with the property to promote the normalization of friendly and kinship ties. The amulet will make the person more charming, eloquent and persuasive, and help with communication. Even in ancient Rome, the crystals of Citrine were worn by speakers and senators, thinking they were developing eloquence.
It is believed that the Citrine has a property to influence the area of the solar plexus-the centre of the balance of life forces.
The Crystal Citrine, with its natural energy, improves the psychophysical state of the body, raises the mood, tones, activates the mental activity, helps to overcome depression and chronic fatigue. The therapeutic action of Citrine also affects people with speech defects.
The science of color claims that yellow is conducive to financial well-being, and success.
The closer the shade of the Stone to the golden, the brighter the tone of the stone, the stronger it attracts wealth. Citrine, because of their natural sunlight, is perfect for business people, helping to make profitable deals, invest money, and earn income even in hopeless operations.
Gambling with Citrine will increase the chance of success in risky situations, and in the event of a loss, it won't lose the mental balance. This gemstone is helpful to those in the creative arts, helps to inspire new ideas, strength to implement various projects, and, at the same time, helping to ensure that these projects yield positive results to the wearer of citrine.
Citrine does not accumulate negativity and does not need any energy cleansing, which is very valuable.
Citrine is one of the ingredients in my world famous Goddess Vortex Sun Disc which Helps to Release Pain, Activates Solar Plexus, Helps to Soothe Digestive Track, Balances out Emotional Body, Transmutes Negativity, Activates Creativity, Uplifts, Upgrades, Activates and Purifies DNA
The Goddess Vortex disc acts as an accelerating device and an attunement instrument to cleanse your DNA from remnants and frequencies past which are affecting your body and your consciousness in a way that is against the good of your higher self. And as such allowing the ascension process to move forward without delay.
Using this disc will allow the energies to be magnified and applied directly to the one in question, and tune the body of the beholder and attune the DNA of the beholder with the frequency of THE SOURCE entering GAIA.
Only Part I of this guide will be published here. If you would like to see Part 2 and Part 3 of this series I invite you to subscribe to my FREE newsletter. Each week you will receive steps necessary to take in order to attune yourself with the energy of Abundance. Post the 3 week series you will continue receiving very informative newsletters on how to improve your life using crystals, gemstones as well as various tips and information about ascension.
Once again, this e-mail series is completely free and you can unsubscribe at any time. To subscribe please fill out the form below. Be sure to check your spam folder for a confirmation e-mail. Once you confirm your e-mail you will begin receiving this newsletter.
Here is a preview of Part 1 of the Abundance Guide. The following article is taken from Anna Merkaba's site.
Greetings everyone! I hope you are all doing phenomenally well! Today I would like to share with you Part 1 of 3 of "How to tune into Abundance manifesting anything that you want into your reality".
Some of you may have seen this information before, but many of you have not as you continuously are asking me "How do I become abundant?". The answer is rather simple and today I would like to share with you PART 1 of the "How to Guide".
I would like to start with a channeling that I have received from AA Metatron a while back which is called Expectation vs. Intention.
"It is through INTENTION rather than EXPECTATION that you create the reality of your BEing. It is through the power of your mind, the power of your thinking process that you are able to fully coherently and cognitively co-create a new platform, a new reality of informational encodings. It is through YOUR endeavors that you incorporate the pure frequencies of the new world. It is through finding the BALANCE within, and it is through your patience with self, through your determination to strip naked before your very own self, getting to point ZERO that you shall be able to set yourself free. Free from restrains and outdated programming. Free from all that you believe you should be, for what you believe completely and fully forms your cognitive experience, the experience of the NOW moment in time.
And so, it is imperative that you INTEND instead of EXPECT for various outcomes to manifest. For expectation is nothing more than admittance of self-limitation. For when you EXPECT a certain outcome, you expect it from the perspective of DEFINED objectives based solely on the five senses that you are equipped with, whereas INTENTION utilizes ALL senses at your disposal, by attracting various frequencies to swirl in specific formations in order to deliver that which you wish to experience, whilst setting no boundaries and no set agendas or expectations, allowing one to fully and cognitively exit “the box” and explore the world unbeknownst to you prior..."
For complete step by step guide please sign up to my newsletter. I promise to only send valuable information to you, once again, you can always unsubscribe if you don't like the content you receive.
Abundance Disc – Increase the flow of love, prosperity, and wealth into your life.. Helps to remove your abundance blocks. For more information please click here.
Garnet is one of the most beautiful natural stones that looks like seeds of a pomegranate fruit. In some countries around the world it is actually called pomegranate. The "seeds" of the garnet are characterized by a certain living aura and energy.
They are very much like the seeds of the pomegranate (fruit). By the way, the name of the stone from the Latin "Granatus" is translates as "similar exteriors". That is the name that was given to this gem by the famous medieval alchemist Albert Magnus.
An extravagant, very "delicious" stone with a juicy, saturated palette and an astonishing glasslike glow. The garnets are quite diverse in nature, more often they come in a red and dark hues, less often you can find garnets in orange, purple, green, purple, or black.
Whatever the shade of the garnet, it is almost always possible to know that this stone is very special. The breads of the garnet have complex, fantastically beautiful shades. The charming shades of the garnet are determined by the composition of this mineral. This exquisite red hue is due to a high concentration of iron in this stone.
Garnet the gemstone of antiquity
People found out about the garnet more than 3,000 years ago. In antiquity and the Middle Ages, garnets were used frequently. In ancient sources, the great many legends and descriptions of the garnets have survived. The Red Garnet is described in the Bible as a "living flame illuminating Noah's way in the darkness of the world's flood."
In the ancient east and later in the Middle Ages, the stone of the garnet was a symbol of permanence, faithfulness and loyalty. Items made with garnets have been given to others as a token of respect and a very high position. The owner of the stone was believed to be gaining power over the people.
The ancient Mongols considered red garnets to be sacred. The Mongolians described garnet as "dragon blood Drops". And in some of the sacred books of the ancient Mongols, garnets appear as "frozen flame of volcanoes glowing in the dark". It was believed that the holder of this mineral was gaining power over people and material well-being.
The witches of the east considered the main magical property of the garnet to increase passion and love. According to ancient eastern beliefs, when a man was overcome with passion and lust the garnet bracelets he wore would ignite with passionate fire, and shine with incredible brilliance as if "infused with blood of the wearer”.
In ancient Persia, garnet was considered as the "Royal Stone". On the surface of the largest pieces of this mineral, the images of most powerful Persian rulers, as well as images of the gods, were carved. Such works of art have been named "gems". These works of stunning beauty today can be seen in the finest museums of the world as a living evidence of the high skills of ancient artists-engravers.
Garnets symbol of sacredness
Garnet is considered a symbol of the wise, pure and good heart. This rock loves people of pure intentions and noble nature and doesn’t like the selfish and those seeking power. Those lacking self control will not be harmed from wearing this stone, but it won’t help them either. It’s vibrations won't affect the energy of these people.
The shade of the garnets resembles that of blood more so than any other gemstones. In the olden times, as we know, friendship and love often was sealed with blood in a literal sense of the word, making small incisions in the palm each other’s hands, symbolically "connecting" each other's blood. This ritual gave relationships the highest status, sacred. That is why the bloody hue of the garnet defined the view of this minerals as a sacred stone.
If you like to travel, then the garnet will be the best jewel to take with you on a trip. In olden times this stone was thought to be able to protect a traveler from all the misery and trouble on the road! Also in its energy, minerals are suited to reformers, people with spiritual purpose, pure soul and thoughts.
A jewel made with garnet is thought to helps family life, foster relationships within families as well as children.
One of the strong properties of garnet is the cleansing of living quarters from negative energy. And the vibrations of garnet transmutes negative energy not only from home, but also from all its inhabitants, by expelling and transmuting negative thought forms.
I use Garnet as part of the ANKH KEY DISC - Sacral Charka Activator Psychic Ability Enhancer, Self Acceptance, Bridging Heaven and Earth. Ankh Key allows you to feel more grounded and balanced regarding your sensual sensations of being in a human body. It is not only intimacy on the physical level, it is intimacy on the emotional level.
The Ankh Key Disc aligns you with your own self helping you to experience LIFE here on earth and integrating your etheric self.
This disc is known for activating the sacral chakra and releasing all the negativity in regards to intimacy and sex that is stored in your body.
This Ankh Key Disc also activates your psychic abilities, working on the sacral chakra allowing you to become sensual and be able to attune yourself to the needs of others. Helping you in building strong relationships with others.
Smokey Quartz also known as Morion is the stone of the ancients. It is said that Pharaoh Tutankhamun wore sunglasses made from thin layers of Smokey Quartz. And the alchemists of medieval times used it to search for a philosophical stone that would turn any unprecious metal into gold.
The name of the stone is of Greek origin from "Morysso"-black. Morion is a dark brown or black quartz with a glass glow. The stone is so rare because of the radiation that affects it.
The mineral protects the body and soul of its owner. Jewelry with smokey quartz helps to eliminate any accumulated negative energy. Smokey Quartz transmutes all negative energy, that is directed at the wearer of the stone as well as the one that comes from the wearer into positive pristine energy.
This black crystal, helps people achieve their personal and business goals.
Smokey Quartz is often used as an amulet of a desire that helps dreams become reality. The black morion, brings abundance and prosperity, but only if people are determined to be positive and not to pursue selfish needs.
The crystal helps improve organizational skills. Smokey Quartz helps to inspire creativity. In addition, the Black Crystal helps its owner to prioritize life's priorities by bringing wisdom in domestic matters. The emotional stone of Smokey Quartz raises the mood, helps to overcome negative emotions, and to alleviate depressive symptoms.
The properties of Smokey Quartz relieve people of stress, imagined fears, jealousy, anger, and such negative emotional manifestations, converting them into positive energy.
The mineral morion can strengthen human spiritual forces and help people to calm down. Wearing ornaments with smokey quartz is recommended to people who have lost close relatives, thus disregarding negative thoughts. Smokey Quartz can help people leave all the negative in the past to focus on the future.
I use smokey quartz along with citrine and other magic ingredients in my world famous Goddess Vortex – Sun Disc which Helps to Release Pain, Activates Solar Plexus, Helps to Soothe Digestive Track, Balances out Emotional Body, Transmutes Negativity, Activates Creativity, Uplifts, Upgrades, Activates and Purifies DNA
The Goddess Vortex disc acts as an accelerating device and an attunement instrument to cleanse your DNA from remnants and frequencies past which are affecting your body and your consciousness in a way that is against the good of your higher self. And as such allowing the ascension process to move forward without delay.
Using this disc will allow the energies to be magnified and applied directly to the one in question, and tune the body of the beholder and attune the DNA of the beholder with the frequency of THE SOURCE entering GAIA.
The sunflower moves itself in the most direct position in front of the sun so it can get the maximum sun rays. This is symbolic of spiritual faith, and worship because we follow our belief system as the sunflower moves to face the life-giving rays of the sun.
The sunflower is the Greek symbol of Clytie (a water nymph) who turns into a sunflower after grieving over the loss of her love (Apollo). The mythological symbolism here is that Clytie (in the form of a sunflower) is always facing the sun, looking for Apollo's chariot to return and she might be joined again with her love. The sunflower is also a symbol of Daphne (another Greek nymph).
In Chinese symbolism, the sunflower (and sunflower meaning) deals with long life, good luck and is considered very auspicious. It's yellow color signifies vitality and intelligence. It's a symbol of happiness too.
In esoteric Christianity, the sunflower is a symbol of God's love. The sunflower as a symbol can also represent the unwavering faith that guides the soul to the highest spiritual attunement.
Sunflower is a perfect symbol for the faith because the blossom (bright and bountiful) is always seeking out the light. Symbolically, this is spiritually akin to the heart/soul of humankind always seeking and attaining unity with the light of faith and keeping a connection with the Source/God/Goddess of one's own understanding.
As a yellow flower, the sunflower can be compared to the solar-plexus chakra (Manipura). This chakra (and its color) governs intellect, and is a central force of perception as well as self-awareness and personal evolution.
Actually, the symbolism of water comes into play with sunflower meaning too. According to Ted Andrews in his book Nature-Speak, later builds up in the cells of the shady side of the sunflower's stem and pressure forces the blossoming head in a steady arc toward the direction of light. Water carries powerful symbolism of force, emotion, cleansing and purification.
Sunflower is the symbol that is an integral part of my world famous Goddess Vortex – Sun Disc which Helps to Release Pain, Activates Solar Plexus, Helps to Soothe Digestive Track, Balances out Emotional Body, Transmutes Negativity, Activates Creativity, Uplifts, Upgrades, Activates and Purifies DNA.
I woke up at night and was pushed urgently to create this disc. I saw the sunflower in my mind clearly. Each dot in the center of the disc had to be perfectly aligned, to create a vortex of sorts. I did not understand what the emergency was. I asked my guides to explain to me what is this disc and what does it do.
The answer was quite surprising. This Disc works on your DNA codes. It somehow upgrades the DNA sequence. This disc also works on Solar Plexus and connects all the other chakras.
The Goddess Vortex disc acts as an accelerating device and an attunement instrument to cleanse your DNA from remnants and frequencies past which are affecting your body and your consciousness in a way that is against the good of your higher self. And as such allowing the ascension process to move forward without delay.
Using this disc will allow the energies to be magnified and applied directly to the one in question, and tune the body of the beholder and attune the DNA of the beholder with the frequency of THE SOURCE entering GAIA.
The messenger of Spirit, Archangel Gabriel brings us good news in abundance! The energy of Archangel Gabriel is used to draw many messages of good news that uplift our spirits and help us to feel more fully connected with the Universal mind and flow. Gabriel alerts us to be awake and aware, to pay attention to what messages we in turn are giving out to the world and Universe each day so that only the best may be sent out to return to us as even more beneficial energies.
Archangel Gabriel is the most prominent representative from the Angelic kingdom for the white flame, and her task is to channel and distribute the energy of the white Ray.
Archangel Gabriel is an Angel of annunciation and edification. She sustains the perfection of the untainted Divine plan for every individual, for every incarnated Angel, and for the whole planet Earth. Archangel Gabriel is the messenger of God, Angel of the fourth Ray of purity, artistic creation, resurrection and ascension.
Archangel Gabriel is the most prominent representative from the Angelic kingdom for the white flame, and her task is to channel and distribute the energy of the white Ray.
Archangel Gabriel is an Angel of annunciation and edification. She sustains the perfection of the untainted Divine plan for every individual, for every incarnated Angel, and for the whole planet Earth. Archangel Gabriel is the messenger of God, Angel of the fourth Ray of purity, artistic creation, resurrection and ascension.
Call up Archangel Gabriel and ask Him for grace and inner purification, to help you dissolve old discordant memories, deeply rooted bad habits, and thought patterns that lower the vibrations of your subtle bodies down. Pray to Archangel Gabriel for order and discipline in your life, so that everything can go smoothly, easily and without friction. Imagine pure white flame around your being, and let your spirit surface and rise to greater spiritual heights. Ask for His cosmic strength of love, so that you can be resurrection and life of all that is good in your life stream, to be resurrection and life of your eternal youth, beauty, perfect vision, hearing, limitless strength and energy, perfect health, and achieve abundance of money and all good things. Pray to Archangel Gabriel for accomplishment of the Divine plan that has been karmicly determined. All people wear around their necks an invisible plate upon which their karma is clearly written. But hardly anyone of them is interested for this writings and even fewer are willing to work on this issue. So, you try to work on that, have hope and you will succeed. The Divine complement of Archangel Gabriel is Hope.
Gabriel is known as the messenger of God and the bringer of good news and hope. It is this Archangel that was said to have appeared to Mary to give her news of the impending birth of Christ. Gabriel brings news of one's spiritual destiny, that which the soul has agreed to embark upon in this lifetime. Gabriel also teaches us that no destiny is more important than another, it is just a high a destiny to tend sheep in a field as it is to be a "Spiritual Leader" or guru. Gabriel holds the books of knowledge, he was with Spirit at the beginning of creation and noted in his records the destiny and focus of each individual Soul as it was brought into being. This makes this Archangel of extreme importance in understanding one's path through life and its overall greater significance. Gabriel is said to appear to them who are ready to grasp and move forward on their destiny and in so doing Gabriel brings an ever increasing abundance of messages and hope that what one is seeking may be manifested or accomplished. Gabriel speaks to many through the heart, not the mind. It is through the voice of emotion, when one thinks of a path and feels the heart and soul soaring, that is Gabriel bringing the message that it is indeed the proper path to pursue.
Part of the "job" of this Archangel is to make us more aware that we are always receiving messages from the Universe, they are all around us and yet so often we walk right past the signs and omens that were designed to answer our every question or the signposts that point the way to our greatest success and fulfillment. Working with this Angel helps to instill a sense of childlike joy and wonder, turning the process into a game in which one asks a question of the Universe and then sees how many signs one can find in a single day. The means through which the Universe and this Archangel uses to answer questions we have been asking or to send us the sign posts to which way we need to turn in our lives next is truly extraordinary. Even simple tasks such as going to the supermarket and noting which items seem to be calling your attention, noting what the person behind or ahead of you in the queue is saying to someone else, seeing something in the sales bin that relates directly to your question in some way (and shows that the solution or answer takes less time and energy than you might have thought!) can be used as a guideline for greater awareness.
Gabriel is also the bringer of resurrection and the knowledge that nothing ever dies but simply changes to a different form and is born anew in other realms of existence. For those whose life path involves channeling in all it's forms, Gabriel is present, helping to keep the airways clear and to help the channel to focus upon the highest and purest aspects of the messages.
This Archangel when called upon will greatly assist the channel in tapping into their highest guides and teachers that information that can truly serve and support others may flow easily. At times the messages that come through may sound harsh to some and yet Gabriel seeks to bring awareness above all and will use any means possible to get the message across in the way the person needs to grab their attention. Gabriel has been known to bring messages of good cheer and hope as well as words and dreams of warnings.
Yet as with all things on this level of the Universe he will not interfere with another's free will. It is his purpose to deliver the message and then to stand aside and allow the individual to act or not act upon it as they see fit. One know that it is indeed Gabriel who is speaking to one when the emotions come into play and the taking or not taking of action brings either great joy or a profound sense of relief, even though it may be tinged with some sorrow.
Gabriel brings us messages yet we must act upon them in ways that are practical and appropriate. At times people have difficulty acting upon the messages as they feel the steps will be too difficult or the process will take too long instead of focusing on what other treats and surprises could come out of the steps, benefits that we would never have been made aware of had we not taken even those first few steps. As one person found by acting on the messages this Angel was sending her, she made a wonderful new friend, she learned how to properly manage her money for the first time in her life, her belief in her ability to create what she desired sky rocketed and many small gifts and blessings were strewn on her path, all because she choose to heed the messages that the Universe and Gabriel were bringing her! She found the process fun and enjoyable, not a painful torture as she had first assumed it would be!
This Angel has appeared to you today to bring you messages of hope and good cheer as well as to signal that it is time for you to begin to become more aware of all the messages that the Universe and he are sending you. You may have a need for some answers to some difficult questions or you may have been wondering if things will ever improve in your life! Gabriel has appeared to say that they shall yet you must also look at the theme or focus of the messages you have been receiving so you will know what actions to take. Think carefully about what you are saying to others and what they are saying to you. Do these words serve you or hinder you in your life? Are they positive and uplifting or do they focus on negativity and lack? Like all the Angels, Gabriel will never judge you for anything you think or say! Yet he will urge you to focus on those things that bring you a sense of joy, peace and gratitude for the great mystery that is all of life.
Archangel Gabriel Disc will help you to connect easier with energy of Archangel Gabriel. It will help to Increase the flow of love, prosperity, and wealth into your life.This amazing tool will help you to link to your own higher self, help to bring forth your subconscious connection to your divine plan, your earthly mission.
Love, Light, Abundance, Peace, Harmony and Bliss – these are the words to describe this magnificent angel. But Archangel Gabriel stands for so much more. Gabriel stands for a direct link to your own higher self, direct link to bring forth your subconscious connection to your divine plan, your earthly mission.
Archangel Metatron’s Clearing and Protraction Key.
Review by Betsy W. on 24 Oct 2024review stating Archangel Metatron’s Clearing and Protraction Key.
Natalya, Archangel Metatron's clearing and protection key has given me such peace of mind since receiving it. I have it with me throughout the day each day and at night many times I pull it out and just holding it in my hand allows me to feel the peace and strength that it radiates!
Review by June H. on 10 Jun 2024review stating Another beautiful and powerful tool!
Another beautiful and powerful tool! I've found that the Saint Germain Violet Flame Disc is a great adjunct to the Cosmic Healer Disc. I keep them both in my field the majority of my day.
When I unpacked my new Saint Germain Violet Flame Disc, I noticed my crown chakra opening more fully. I also noticed a grounding effect in my root chakr...Read MoreRead more about Another beautiful and powerful tool!
a that is super important when opening the crown chakra. I'm using both discs weekly in my personal healing invocation.
"I invoke the full power of the Violet Flame to transmute all causes, cores, effects, records, and memories of every thought, feeling, word, or action I have ever expressed in any dimension, parallel, direction, frequency, or reality of time and space, both known or unknown, that are not of Divine Source, the Creator's light. Anchor, Store, and Seal this process for the greatest and highest good of all concerned."
Thank you Natalya for these important and powerful tools in this time of ascension heralding a quantum leap in our evolution. Read LessRead less about Another beautiful and powerful tool!