This Agarthian Key helps to connect with Agartha and the Agarthians.
This disc was channeled through from Adama in the Agartha and has been created specifically to assist those who are to work with Agarthians in helping with the ascension.
The disc is made to Adama's specification and includes 24K GOLD, The Agartha FREE WILL symbol and 4 genuine gemstones.
This disc is meant for those who wish to have a better connection with the Agartha and are here to work along side Agarthians in bringing the FREE WILL back to all of humanity.
Right now is a pivotal time in the history of earth and Agarthians are asking all who feel the pull to connect with them to do so without delay, as your assistance is greatly needed.
The disc is made to Adama's specification and includes 24K GOLD, The Agartha FREE WILL symbol and 4 genuine gemstones.
This disc is meant for those who wish to have a better connection with the Agartha and are here to work along side Agarthians in bringing the FREE WILL back to all of humanity.
Right now is a pivotal time in the history of earth and Agarthians are asking all who feel the pull to connect with them to do so without delay, as your assistance is greatly needed.

It is made of specialized quartz glass, cut to reflect the light in such a way as to amplify the power of the cosmic energies.
This Disc is created out of parts which were divinely put together and sealed into one whole to amplify healing and metaphysical properties of each part. Each Disc size 3'' in diameter consists of Copper, 24K Gold, 4 genuine gemstones and clear Quartz to amplify vibration
Please note that since I put each and every single tool by hand and imprint them with energies it takes me roughly 2 weeks to make each one, along with the shipping please allow 2 - 3 weeks for delivery. Thank you :)of genuine stones healing and metaphysical properties.
This Disc is created out of parts which were divinely put together and sealed into one whole to amplify healing and metaphysical properties of each part. Each Disc size 3'' in diameter consists of Copper, 24K Gold, 4 genuine gemstones and clear Quartz to amplify vibration
Please note that since I put each and every single tool by hand and imprint them with energies it takes me roughly 2 weeks to make each one, along with the shipping please allow 2 - 3 weeks for delivery. Thank you :)of genuine stones healing and metaphysical properties.
Each Disc consists of: 24K Gold, Copper and clear Quartz to amplify vibration of genuine stones healing and metaphysical properties.
Metaphysical Properties of Gold
Gold symbolises the purity of the spiritual aspect of "All That Is". It is symbolic of spirituality and development in the realm of complete understanding, allowing one to both attain and maintain communion with the source of all being.
Gold is said to increase the healing powers of stones when they are set in jewelry. They are known to create powerful amulets by attracting and maintaining the qualities that are inherent in the stone.
The energy of gold can be used to balance the energy fields and to assist one in the elimination of ego conflicts and feelings of futility. It can also help to assuage the overburden of responsibility, to combat feelings of depression and inferiority, to allow one to both understand and to dispense with self-reproach, and to cal excitation and states of anger.
Metaphysical Properties of Gold
Gold symbolises the purity of the spiritual aspect of "All That Is". It is symbolic of spirituality and development in the realm of complete understanding, allowing one to both attain and maintain communion with the source of all being.
Gold is said to increase the healing powers of stones when they are set in jewelry. They are known to create powerful amulets by attracting and maintaining the qualities that are inherent in the stone.
The energy of gold can be used to balance the energy fields and to assist one in the elimination of ego conflicts and feelings of futility. It can also help to assuage the overburden of responsibility, to combat feelings of depression and inferiority, to allow one to both understand and to dispense with self-reproach, and to cal excitation and states of anger.
Gold has been used in the development, purification, and balancing of the heart chakra anf for the amplification of thought-forms. The purity of gold is said to help one to preserve higher thought forms for later retrieval.
Gold has also been used to open and to activate the third-eye and crown chakras. It has been said to attract honours, wealth, and happiness; to provide composure, to stabilise the emotional system, to alleviate tension and stress, and to amplify positive feelings. It also assists one in attuning to nature and its healing forces.
It can clear negativity from the chakras and the energy fields of the physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual bodies, while transferring the vitality of any companion mineral to the affected area. Gold produces an energy which is both cooperative and receptive, allowing for extensive use with other gemstones; it is capable of attracting and maintaining those qualities which are inherent within the additional stone. When in proximity to another mineral, gold provides a stabilising influence to the energies of that mineral.
Gold has been used to enhance mental faculties, to rebuild the nervous system (eg, in the treatment of multiple sclerosis), to improve digestion, circulation and breathing, and to increase warmth. It can also be used for the treatment of arthritis, skin cancer, blood disorders, pneumonia, vascular diseases, heart disease, eye problems, paralysis, rheumatism, skin disorders, tuberculosis, nightmares, and spinal problems.
Gold assists in the rejuvenation of the endocrine system, in the absorption of vitamins and minerals, and in the regeneration of tissue and the skeletal structure. It balances the right and left brain, and treats conditions associated with autism, dyslexia, epilepsy, and physical coordination.
Metaphysical Properties of Cooper
Powers: Energy Direction, Energy Balance, Healing, Love, Luck, Protection, Chakra relation: Heart Chakra. Copper is known as a good conductor of energy, as well as a balancing metal that works with the flow of projective andreceptive energies. Copper is known to Shamans and Healers to be a metal that balances the body’s polarities, thereby removing blockages which are responsible for illness or imbalance. Copper is healing for the mind, body and spirit. It provides a harmonic connection between the physical and astral bodies and also can align the subtle bodies. It has been used to amplify and transmit thought and healing energy. Copper has been used with stones and crystals it helps to align the stone’s individual energy field (since every stone has it’s own properties). It has also been used to create a unique balance of energy, by combining stone and copper, which remains solely unique to the individual using it .
Metaphysical Properties of Clear Quartz.
Clear Quartz is also known as the master stone because it is considered the most versatile multipurpose healing stone. Clear Quartz is abundant in the Earth’s crust, like a spiritual library waiting to be accessed Clear Quartz to be the “brain cells” of the Earth. Quartz is the most common mineral on Earth, which resonates with the frequencies of the silica in our body. This helps to energize, harmonize and balance the energies of the body and to promote and restore our well being on all levels. Clear Quartz has both Pyroelectricity and piezoelectric properties. Pyroelectricity is its ability to generate an electrical charge when heated or cooled, with these qualities, While the piezoelectric properties of clear quartz crystal enables it to store energy and information, as well as to provide energy and information
Quartz amplifies thoughts, which are a form of energy, and they store information, quartz crystals are easy to program with thoughts and firm intentions. Just like a computer that stores information, Clear Quartz can stores your thoughts and intentions, and amplify them. Clear quartz acts as a receiver and transmitter, allowing you to attune to the energies your intentions.

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