Clearing & Protection
Transmutes Negative Energy
Highly Powerful Purification Tool

Metatron's Pocket Size Disc - This disc protects from various negative energies, psychic attacks, dark thought forms. It protects and activates the heart chakra, assists in healing various ailments and so much more.
Protects the home up to 13 feet in diameter from wherever this disc is located. Assists in opening up of various gateways for key holders.
Key holders are those who guard space portals around the globe. At specific moments in time these portals must be opened, and only the key holders can assist in opening these gateways. Metatron's Key assists in these endeavors as well by offering assistance, protection and energetic upliftment in doing so. If you are drawn to AA Metatron's Disc it only means that you are part of the Key Holder's Network.
This is a versatile disc that helps to heal, protect and guide.
Protects the home up to 13 feet in diameter from wherever this disc is located. Assists in opening up of various gateways for key holders.
Key holders are those who guard space portals around the globe. At specific moments in time these portals must be opened, and only the key holders can assist in opening these gateways. Metatron's Key assists in these endeavors as well by offering assistance, protection and energetic upliftment in doing so. If you are drawn to AA Metatron's Disc it only means that you are part of the Key Holder's Network.
This is a versatile disc that helps to heal, protect and guide.

Meatatron's Clearing & Protection Key Disc is made of High Grade Specialty Clear Quartz Crystal Glass, Copper and 7 hand selected for their metaphysical properties, universal energies and specific cut semi precious gemstones.
Each Tool will vary slightly in the selection of Gemstones, as I am guided to do so by Metatron. Once the tool is assembled, I then put it through a series of energy activations and imprinting. It is a lengthy process that requires a lot of specific energies to come together to assure the highest energy transference. You can read more about the process here.
Each Tool will vary slightly in the selection of Gemstones, as I am guided to do so by Metatron. Once the tool is assembled, I then put it through a series of energy activations and imprinting. It is a lengthy process that requires a lot of specific energies to come together to assure the highest energy transference. You can read more about the process here.

Metatron's Pocket Size Disc measures 2 inches in Diameter. If you are looking for a 3 inch original key size version please click here.
A guide on how to use it and the meaning of all the ingredients will be included with your order. Metatron Disc is securely packaged and beautifully wrapped. It comes with a special pouch for you to carry your disc in. Please note that you cannot wear this disc. You can carry it in your pocket, purse, hand, but it is not designed to be worn on your body.
Please note that since I put each and every single disc by hand and imprint them with energies it takes me roughly 2 weeks to make each one, along with the shipping please allow 2 - 3 weeks for delivery. Thank you :)
A guide on how to use it and the meaning of all the ingredients will be included with your order. Metatron Disc is securely packaged and beautifully wrapped. It comes with a special pouch for you to carry your disc in. Please note that you cannot wear this disc. You can carry it in your pocket, purse, hand, but it is not designed to be worn on your body.
Please note that since I put each and every single disc by hand and imprint them with energies it takes me roughly 2 weeks to make each one, along with the shipping please allow 2 - 3 weeks for delivery. Thank you :)

The symbol that represents AA Metatron and all that he stands for is the six pointed star. This star is the representation of Merkaba, Merkaba is the representation of that which is below so it is above. That which I see is that which I do not see. That which I am is that which I am not. For the creation of the Merkaba vehicle encompasses within it’s structure the perfection of the human understanding of all that is, and all that is not. The union of the Masculine and Feminine energies intertwined to create one whole, a whole of existence a whole of knowledge a whole of your I AM presence.
And as such, and thus, the informational decree from the Merkaba Vehicle is more than simply a representation, for in essence it is a key to unlock the very depth of your heart space, for the six pointed star, a highly intuitive star is the representation of the HEART code, the HEART space, the HEART chakra.
And as such, and thus, the informational decree from the Merkaba Vehicle is more than simply a representation, for in essence it is a key to unlock the very depth of your heart space, for the six pointed star, a highly intuitive star is the representation of the HEART code, the HEART space, the HEART chakra.
And as such, and since all that you intuitively perceive is passed through the heart and not through cortexes of the brain of the human vehicle, all that is and all that is not is decoded by your heart. And from within your heart your Markaba’s powers arise.
By interlacing the two six pointed stars you bring forth the creation of mankind, the creation of the cosmic gateways and the creation of the eternal OM, for that which is flat becomes that which is full. The creation of the three dimensional reality manifesting in the 13th dimensional flow of energy (two stars on top of each other create 13 points, representing 13 dimensions). Amplifying this energy further
still by encompassing such energies within a circle of life (the disc is round –circle- and made of quartz glass which amplifies and clarifies the energies).
And as such the interlacing of the two stars brings forth the meaning of that which you are and the potential of that which you may become. Opening the doors to the gateway of truth, the gateway through which all is shown as is, and the heart begins to comprehend that which is standing before it, shattering the illusions, the fear thereby melts away, allowing your own prowess and powers of the etheric world to come forth into the three dimensional existence, you are now finding yourself in. And as such the powers of you own being are amplified.
Upon the presence of the Metatron’s Clearing & Protection Disc, you are then embraced in pure unconditional love of the creator and your creator self. And from within the disc the energies that are embracing you are magnified and form a spinning Merkaba field around your own body to shield and protect your divinity from that which you wish not to experience, from that energies which are not for your highest good, opening up your own consciousness further still, delivering the message from the divine and reminding you of your own divinity.
That is the power of the Metatron’s Disc, that is the power of the Merkaba, that is the power of the six pointed star, that is the power of your own heart, that is the power of that which YOU ARE!

Metatron’s Clearing & Protection Device – As told to me by AA Metatron – It activates automatically at 11:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. everyday and protects up to 13 feet of space in every direction, remember that your own sphere of influence is 18 miles in each direction and coupled with this tool you will amplify each other creating a vacuum of clearance which will expand exponentially.
Since everyone is asking about space clearance here’s the gist: No matter what method you use in 15 minutes after you clear space, unless you have something in that space to keep the POSITIVE energy flowing to neutralize the negative, everything will come back. there are billions of dark thought forms floating around, entities, archons etc., everything that you see is energy. Everything produces energy. When someone is watching TV in their home and the story is of violence, that energy transfers right into their living room and stays there.
If your neighbor gets into constant confrontations with his wife for example, that energy creates thought forms, which are living beings, the more negative energy is released the more “food” they receive, the more positive energy is released the more food positive thought forms receive. Add to that thousands of years of war on earth, torture, etc., and you’ve got yourself a very nice package of dense energy. Therefore, if you want to have a clean space at all times, you need to have various tools to do so. Or you would need to consciously keep cleansing space. To do so you would need to intentionally go around your house and cleanse it with the violet flame, thoroughly each little square. You would do this every 15 minutes or so. As you can see this would take a tremendous amount of energy. Therefore it’s best to have something in the home that would protect it constantly, weather it be crystals, scents, etc., or tools such as Natalya makes.
Metatron’s tool works up to 13 feet, however, when you are holding it or have it on you or near you, he energy amplifies. I cannot clearly explain how this works, but if you are in a good mood lets say, and you have it with you, the 13 feet expand to the influence of your aura at the moment. In any case this tool is for personal clearance and protection. I hope this helps clarify it for you."

Lightworkers share their experiences with The Metatron Key Disc
The following information is from Anna Merkaba: A dear friend of mine Natalya, has been designing ascension tools for years. She does it locally, and I thought to put it online here for all of you to be able to get one for yourself in order to assist you in your ascension.
Each tool is unique as it carries specific energy that is necessary in order to accomplish a particular goal. She works with all Archangels, Ascended Masters, Guides from the Pleiades, Andromeda, Arcturious and Centurion. The tools that you’ll see below are the ones that work for particular issues that you might be going through. However, she also creates custom healing devices and tools which are specific for your vibration working with your own guides. I will be adding various tools here as they become available for you to choose from. Each tool comes with specific semi precious gemstones which have been cut in a particular way in order to magnify the energy that is being received from the source. As after she receives the information for the design, she then puts the tool through various energy imprinting steps, in order to capture the essence of any particular deity whom she is working with. Instructions on how to use these are provided with each tool.
Each tool is unique as it carries specific energy that is necessary in order to accomplish a particular goal. She works with all Archangels, Ascended Masters, Guides from the Pleiades, Andromeda, Arcturious and Centurion. The tools that you’ll see below are the ones that work for particular issues that you might be going through. However, she also creates custom healing devices and tools which are specific for your vibration working with your own guides. I will be adding various tools here as they become available for you to choose from. Each tool comes with specific semi precious gemstones which have been cut in a particular way in order to magnify the energy that is being received from the source. As after she receives the information for the design, she then puts the tool through various energy imprinting steps, in order to capture the essence of any particular deity whom she is working with. Instructions on how to use these are provided with each tool.
She has made this tool specifically for me, as I was asking and asking the source to guide me to something that will assist me in my work. As many of you know I work with lots of dark energies, as I remove various entities, archon influences, dark thought forms, dis-stresses from people, I needed to have something that will protect me and cleanse me at the same time.
Usually when I work I put energetic protection around me, however, it takes a lot of time, and drains my energy as I constantly have to keep an eye out on some entity from unexpectedly trying to break through my protection shield, I would need to remove them and continue working.
Following the session I always cleanse myself as not to transfer any of this energy to the next client. This would usually take a lot of energy, concentration and time, that I would rather spend on helping those that come to me. I am absolutely mesmerized by this healing tool! It is amazing how fast it works! It not only cleansed my energy field extremely fast, but it put a very strong shield around me, that when I tested with various dark energies could not be broken. I was able to work in peace delivering much stronger healing sessions.
Then I found myself immersed in a lot of negativity as I was cleansing various neighborhoods from entities. I am drawn to visit certain places that have dark energy. And usually as I do so, I then come back drained, and need to restore my light. The same thing happened the other day. I came home expecting to sit there for a few hours restoring my energy. Then I remembered about this tool and in about 10 minutes I felt completely cleansed from everything, with all the energy restored! I was in complete balance! I also noticed that my sleep patterns improved.
I am so grateful to Metatron & Natalya for sending this my way. There are so many other ways of using this tool, which everyone of you who decides to try it will discover for yourself.

Magda Serry's experience of opening the portal at Luxor Sekhmet
I have sent this tool to Magda Serry and the experience that she has had with it, is so profound that it has changed our understanding of this particular tool. It turns out that it is much more than just a clearing device, but a KEY to unlock the mysteries of the universe. Here's an account by both Magda Serry and Anna Merkaba...
A few days ago I have received a very interesting account of an experience that an incredible light worker has shared with me about opening the portal at Luxor. What she managed to do, has altered the history of mankind and will continue to have tremendously positive effects on our future individually and collectively.
Here is what I have received from Magda: Magda writes: Dear Anaa and Natalya It was an amazing experience specially at the Sekmet Temple in Karnak. The statue of Sekmet has lots of power and we felt that while entering . The temple is dark ,We started taking pictures and as the flash light we could see energies running all around as seen in picture 1 a and 1b .
I put the Metatron tool at her feet it is clear in picture 1a as it has a reddish light at the edge(from the flash I suppose) Then in picture 2 a, the place where I put the tool there is a brilliant white light and the tool shows in the picture to stand vertical and not horizontal as it was at her feet in picture 1 a and b????? Metatron tool became all white light. After that the next picture 2b shows her heart with a brilliant white flame. Lastly in picture 3 you can see the whole body with white flame in the heart and while her left hand is holding a long lotus starting from the base chakra the middle finger has light on it .????
I would like to know your interpretation for what has happened as from that time I feel very much elevated in vibration and whenever I hold the metatron jewel I feel just feel flying Love and Light Magda.
When I read her story, I started to cry. I cried nonstop and continued to do so for the next few days. Much has come up for cleaning. Much has come up for reevaluation in myself. And all of this started when I read her e-mail. The gateway that she has opened is the one that will begin to heal the wounds.
When I read what she did, the first thought that popped into my mind was this “FINALLY! FINALLY!!!!!” And I cried, as if a mother who is welcoming her children home from the war. I cried and felt that my children have finally returned safely to their home. And the war is now over. I do not know why that is so. And I do understand that there is much more in store for us. And that there really isn’t a war as such, but the balancing of various energies. And yet, and yet I felt peace, and incredible relief. Relief that we have moved past the threshold that has been holding us back.
Of course I went straight to the source to inquire what has happened there at Sekmet, and what these Metatron Discs really all about, as the power of them can be felt by all who receive them. I was told that these discs also act as communication devices, not just between you and Akasha, not just between you and the Source, but also between all who have them. Each one who is drawn to receive them is a
light worker, who is here on a particular mission, each is interlinked with another.
This device activates and links this giant web of souls into ONE unstoppable, incredibly powerful machine. This is a key to ONENESS. :)
From what I am being told, the Metatron’s discs that Natalya is creating, carry incredible energy within them, which are not only Metatron’s but her own as well. She doesn’t want to admit it to herself, but she is a very important deity, she is a Hathor, and has been here in the beginning of time. She doesn’t fully comprehend the power that she herself carries as is incredibly humble and extremely loving to all of humanity. Just as is Magda, In fact both were intertwined together in the same team when they came here to earth eons ago.

But going back to what actually happened there… The powers have connected into a triangular shape, forming the unstoppable force of the cosmic energies. Magda’s, Natalya’s and AA Metatrons. Essentially this disc is far more than we have realized before, as it is a KEY an activator, which doesn’t just cleanse and protect. It opens up the gateways, the portals into another world. Placed properly on the key lock, that is precisely what happens. And that is precisely what has happened at Sekmet.
When Magda placed Matatron’s key on the bottom of her feet she has activated the statue, but more so than that, she has activated the
energies of ALL those who have ever been in that place, who have ever touched her, who were ever led by her. The points on her body that became illuminated are the hand which holds the code of the sword and the HEART which holds the code of LOVE. There are the energies that were activated in all of the beings who have ever served for the sword. Sekhmet being a goddess of war and health, what transpired makes perfect sense.
There are many upon many gateways through which energy passes into our known world, and she has opened the one that is going to heal the war. War, time and space. War which has prevailed on this earth. The war energies are going to start to be transformed into the energies of peace. Healing the wounds of time. Healing the wounds of all those who have suffered a terrible death of the body, their vehicles, all the wounds of the warriors that have come and gone from this planet. Their wounds, but most importantly the wounds of this planet. The energy is going to start to rapidly be transformed.
And finally here is the channeling that I have received for her.. Dealry beloved one, for what you have managed to achieve in a split moment of time, is that which the intergalactic federation has been trying to achieve for eons. For the time has come, the time has come to unroll the plan of a new millennia , a plan of the new actions that are to be activated on this planet. The action of peace and harmony. And through the portal which you have helped to activate. The portal which you have indeed activated. You have invited beautiful melodious energies to enter GAIA .
The transformation of the space a holly space, the space where it has all began. Has been transformed. And it’s only a matter of time, and a matter of continuing to open other such portals, before the harmonizing and balancing can indeed take place on GAIA.
Please understand that there will be many such portals that shall become known to mankind. Please know that you are not the only one who is working on doing so. Please know that the disc that you hold in your hands is a sacred one indeed. For it carries the informational decree of the heavens prior, the heavens of .the future and heavens of NOW. The informational decree that is to help transition humanity into another state of being. Step by step. Taking giant leaps. And finally arriving at the destination of PEACE.
Shine your light dearly beloved one, for you have from heaven to earth come. For you have indeed returned to spread the love and light to all who have been waiting for your return. Understand that we are standing by you,. Understand that we are leading the way, and understand that you , YOU Magda are indeed a powerful being. For the name that you carry is not a simple one. For the name that you carry shall remind you of your true self, of the role that you have indeed played eons prior.
And as such, we salute you. We applaud you for doing all that you are. For carrying the light into the darkest spaces. For being a true light warrior at heart. For delivering that which has been promised to humanity , and finalizing the opening of the gateways, finalizing the arrival of new eons, finalizing the return of the GODS. That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.

And here’s what I have received from Magda. Dearest Anna Words cannot express how I am feeling now. Reading your email was the best news I have ever received in my life. I am extremely honored to have being guided for this great great opening to humanity and to our beloved mother Gaia. I resonated with your words so much . Thank you Thank You Thank You. You have given me the confidence and the will to proceed in life as a lightworker.
Twenty years ago when I started the lightwork in Egypt It was not easy to spread the light as the energy was very dense and many times I would give up and would tell myself why am I insisting on what I am going ? But something inside me kept pushing to go on and lately ( 2 or 3 years ago)people started accepting what I give in my seminars and workshops and started to ask for more.
Sometimes I would be tired and wish to stop but NOW after your message I am the happiest person on earth as I love my work which is spreading the light around me and helping Egyptians to awaken to their ancient identity which they have forgotten . I resonate with every word you said and your channeling which I found amazing and so much enlightening that I feel my heart jumping out of my chest. I cannot express my feelings and I am so grateful to you my Dear so indebted and so much appreciating all what you have given me starting from your advise about the phenomenal tool by AA Metatron.
I am very honored to be in contact with you and with Dear Natalya whom I feel a strong bond which was clarified now after your email as I am very fond of the Hathors and did not know why. Please feel free to share everything about the Luxor experience with everybody as you like. It is my great pleasure to rejoice this very good news with the whole world . After all we are ALL ONE.

POCKET SIZE - Archangel METATRON KEY - Clearing & Protection, Transmutes Negative Energy, Highly Powerful Purification Tool
$ 139.99
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